Grief After a Death...What is normal??? VicarDoug
Normal Reactions to Grief
When we suffer a loss, we may experience one or more of the following symptoms of grieving
1.I feel my emotions are out of control?
2.I feel so relieved.
3.I find it hard to face the reality of the death of my loved one.
4.I feel as though I am more anxious about everything.
5.My body seems to be in distress. My immune system seems to be compromised and I am catching more colds than normal.
6.My mood fluctuates over the smallest things.
7.I sometimes feel hopeless over my life situation.
8.I sometimes feel guilty and other times, I feel angry.
9.I cry at unexpected times.
10.I do not want others to see me when I feel sad.
11.I am unable to concentrate or focus.
12.I sense my loved one's presence. Sometimes, I find myself
hearing their voice, seeing their face or waiting for them to walk through the door.
13.I have difficulty with the fast pace of my thought process.
14.I have trouble sleeping
15.Sometimes I have no appetite.
16.I feel empty when I think about my loss.
17.I miss having someone support me when making decisions.
18.I am so lonely and I feel tired much of the time.
19.My relationships with friends and family have changed.
20.I am more sensitive to what others say. I feel as though no one quite understands what I am going through.
These grief responses are all natural and normal.